Training of Bachelors and Masters is full-time and part-time with the use of innovative educational technologies, based on the latest achievements of domestic and foreign scientific opinion in accordance with the current socio-economic conditions. This allows graduates to occupy high positions in business, engage in business, research and teaching.
The decision to establish the PMSPD was taken by the Academic Council on 25 September 2014. The Department was established on the basis of the Personnel Management and Marketing Department and started its activities in August 2015. Although the faculty is young, training of students has a rich history and good traditions. For the first time training of specialists with higher education in the specialty "Labour Economics" was started in 1961 in the Planned Economy Department. The first graduation of Labour Economics experts took place in 1965. The same year the university administration decided to create a new department - Labour Economics and Logistics. Since 1965, the newly created Department began operating the new Department of Labour Economics and Logistics, later on the basis of which Scientific Organization of Management and Labour Department was created. Since 1975, training in Labour Economics was intrusted to the Department of Labour Economics. In connection with the aggravation of social problems, the need to strengthen social development of enterprises it was decided to improve sociological training in Labour Economics. To this end, training in the specialty "Economics and Sociology of Labour" was started, and businesses were recommennded to create sociological services. The university admission of applicants for this profession lasted from 1988 to 1991. Along with the introduction of level education in Ukraine, training in the specialty "Human Resource Management" was started in 1992. The dynamic development of the labour market, spread of the ideas of modern management among employers and managers, made it necessary to make another correction of the title and content of specialty training. In 2003, specialty got a new name: "Personnel Management and Labour Economics". Due to the necessity of meeting the needs of the economy for specialists in sociology and psychology in the economy, and strengthening of teacher training in Economics, in 2014 the University launched the Bachelor level training in three areas: "Sociology" (specialty "Sociology in the Economy ")", "Psychology" (specialization "Economic and Social Psychology") and "Professional Education (Economics)." On the basis of the Department there was created the training center, which main purpose is to increase the competitiveness of our graduates in the labour market through formation and development of their socio-psychological, professional and research competencies and to facilitate their adaptation to professional activities. The Department coordinates activity of the Liaison Centre with employers "Perspective" and contributes to job search and job placement of graduates. On the basis of the Center students can undergo adaptive training, participate in Career Days and establish contacts with leading Ukrainian and international companies. The faculty established the database of leading enterprises, institutions and organizations for students to practise and develop their professional competencies. The faculty created favourable conditions for research activities and student participation in international scientific and research projects. The Department has a specialized Scientific Council for thesis for the degree in specialty "Demography, Labour Economics, Social Economics and Politics." The University (The Department) is co-founder of scientific publications, including the book "Labour Relations" and the magazine "Ukraine: Aspects of Labour." The teachers of the Department are the members of leading professional publications in the field of Personnel Management, Labour Economics, Industrial Relations, Sociology, Psychology. The Institute of Industrial Relations was established in 2010 on the basis of the Personnel Management and Labour Economics Department, the main mission of which is to conduct basic and applied scientific research in social and labor issues at micro-, macro-, European and global levels. The Department cooperates with foreign partners. Among those foreign institutions are: The University in Konstanz (Germany), Cracow University of Economics (Poland), University of Economics in Katowice (Poland), Economic University in Poznan (Poland) University of Zielona Góra (Poland). |