Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology

Research Work

The following are the major lines of the scientific research at the Department:  

  • the performance of comprehensive research into the development of the state social policy, the enhancement of the living standard of the population, the overcoming of poverty and the development of the middle class in the society, the reform of the social protection of the population;
  • the comprehensive scientific coverage of innovative models, mechanisms, methods and processes of management of labour and regulation of relations in the field of labour;
  • the comprehensive fundamental and applied research into the development of institutional foundations and mechanisms of regulation of the social and labour sphere in conditions of global challenges;
  • the analysis of the current condition, the evaluation of pre-requisites, trends and the development of proposals on the improvement of vocational training in Ukraine;
  • the development of theoretical and applied scenarios for the development of competencies of innovatively active specialists in the vocational education system;
  • the research into theoretical and applied aspects of knowledge management in the human resources development and utilization system;
  • comprehensive study of the human capital as an economic development and growth factor; the improvement of mechanisms of the management of investments into the human capital;
  • the formation of institutional principles of the transformation of the labour market in the global information-based economy; the development of socialization models and the system of measures aimed at the improvement of the flexibility of the labour market;
  • the analysis of the current condition and the development of lines of the regulation of employment in the informal sector of the economy of Ukraine;
  • the evaluation and the development of conceptual arrangements for the assurance of the effective employment;
  • the development of the methodology and the improvement of the practice; the build-up of organisational and economic mechanisms and tools of the regulation of employment and unemployment in conditions of the globalization;
  • the substantiation of lines of the improvement of the mechanism of the encouragement of economic activities of the population;
  • the development of proposals on the improvement of mechanisms of the regulation of collective agreement-based relations in the field of labour;
  • the systemic research into theoretical and applied aspects of the development of a new model of the social dialogue in the current Ukraine;
  • the development of proposals on the development of the social partnership as a regulator of social and labour relations; the research into the nature, the genesis and the modern forms of social capital;
  • the development of conceptual arrangements for the management of a system of the organization and work quota setting at enterprises;
  • the development of proposals on the regulation of social and labour relations in the field of occupational safety;
  • the development of socio-economic mechanisms for the assurance of proper labour; the improvement of mechanisms of the management of labour efficiency and productivity;
  • the research into the status, the analysis of trends of the development and the substantiation of areas of the improvement of the compensation policy, the encouragement of labour, the organization of the salary, and the implementation of fringe benefits;
  • the development of mechanisms and tools for personnel management at various stages of an organization's lifecycle.

Based on the Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management, a scientific school of socioeconomics and personnel management is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor A.M. Kolot.

The scientific achievement and characteristic feature of the research of the scientists of the scientific school was the departure from the ideas of neoliberalism and “economism,” which abstracts from the socio-economic context against the background of technological progress, the development of information technology, and artificial intelligence. Developing in line with the priority of socialization of the economy, integrating the creative search of Ukrainian labor economists, the scholars of this school have developed paradigmatic provisions of decent work and human capital as a strategic vector for the modernization of the social and labor sphere in the context of the formation of a new economy and post-industrial society.

Since 2010, the scientists of the scientific school of labor economists have been actively publishing their scientific works in the collection of scientific papers “Social and Labor Relations: Theory and Practice”, which in 2013 received the status of a professional one. Currently, the collection is classified as category B. Issues of the collection are posted on the official website of the Vernadsky National Library, in the Institutional Repository of the SHEI “Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University.” The collection is indexed in Google Scholar, JournalTOCs, Index Сореrnicus.

The department is an active participant in scientific and educational projects.

The most famous are those funded by foreign organizations:

EU Tempus project: 544202-TEMPUS-1-AT-TEMPUS-JPHES) “Acquiring professional and entrepreneurial skills through fostering entrepreneurial spirit and counseling of start-up entrepreneurs” December 2013 - December 2016

Erasmus+ KeyAction2 project “Improving practice-oriented training of vocational education and training teachers (ITE-VET)” No. 574124-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA), 2016-2018

Erasmus+ KeyAction2 project “New mechanisms for governance and standardization of partnership-based vocational teacher education (PAGOSTE) in Ukraine” No. 609536-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EAEA), 2020-2023

Erasmus+ KeyAction2 project “Teacher Certification Centres: Innovative Approaches to Teaching Excellence” (UTTERLY) No. 619227-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EAEA), 2021-2024

DAAD project “Development of Women's Leadership in the Academic Environment of Germany and Ukraine” (FLAMINGU), German Academic Exchange Service (DAADDIESpartnership), Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, 2020-2023

Over the past five years, the school's scientists have participated in research projects, in particular, “Socio-economic mechanisms for ensuring decent work in the context of European integration processes and the innovation and investment model of economic development of Ukraine” (state budget topic, 2015-2017); “Improving state-contractual regulation of remuneration and the mechanism for forming a compensation package and introducing a grading system” (2017-2019), “Employment model in the coordinates of the digital economy: new parameters and strategic vectors of transformation”. This year, representatives of the department's scientific school are implementing the research project “Draft Regulations for the Organization of Labor Activity in an Unstable Global Ecosystem” (2021-2022).


Last redaction: 14.02.25