Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology

Research Work

The following are the major lines of the scientific research at the Department:  

  • the performance of the comprehensive research into the development of the state social policy, the enhancement of the living standard of the population, the overcoming of poverty and the development of the middle class in the society, the reform of the social protection of the population;
  • the comprehensive scientific coverage of innovative models, mechanisms, methods and processes of management of labour and regulation of relations in the field of labour;
  • the comprehensive fundamental and applied research into the development of institutional foundations and mechanisms of regulation of the social and labour sphere in conditions of global challenges;
  • the analysis of the current condition, the evaluation of pre-requisites, trends and the development of proposals on the improvement of the vocational training in Ukraine;
  • the development of theoretical and applied scenarios for the development of competencies of innovatively active specialists in the vocational education system;
  • the research into theoretical and applied aspects of the knowledge management in the human resources development and utilisation system;
  • comprehensive study of the human capital as an economic development and growth factor; the improvement of mechanisms of the management of investments into the human capital;
  • the formation of institutional principles of the transformation of the labour market in the global information-based economy; the development of socialisation models and the system of measures aimed at the improvement of the flexibility of the labour market;
  • the analysis of the current condition and the development of lines of the regulation of the employment in the informal sector of the economy of Ukraine;
  • the evaluation and the development of conceptual arrangements for the assurance of the effective employment;
  • the development of the methodology and the improvement of the practice; the build-up of organisational and economic mechanisms and tools of the regulation of employment and unemployment in conditions of the globalisation;
  • the substantiation of lines of the improvement of the mechanism of the encouragement of economic activities of the population;
  • the development of proposals on the improvement of mechanisms of the regulation of collective agreement-based relations in the field of labour;
  • the systemic research into theoretical and applied aspects of the development of a new model of the social dialogue in the current Ukraine;
  • the development of proposals on the development of the social partnership as a regulator of social and labour relations; the research into the nature, the genesis and the modern forms of the social capital;
  • the development of conceptual arrangements for the management of a system of the organisation and work quota setting at enterprises;
  • the development of proposals on the regulation of social and labour relations in the field of the occupational safety;
  • the development of socio-economic mechanisms for the assurance of the proper labour; the improvement of mechanisms of the management of the labour efficiency and productivity;
  • the research into the status, the analysis of trends of the development and the substantiation of areas of the improvement of the compensation policy, the encouragement of labour, the organisation of the salary, the implementation of fringe benefits;
  • the development of mechanisms and tools of the personnel management at various stages of an organisation's lifecycle.

The results of the scientific research of the Department members are presented in monographs (52 monographs were published); teaching and methodological publications (15 textbooks, 72 study manuals, 41 manuals for self-study); brochures and research papers; presentations at conferences; reports and proposals sent to institutions, organisations and enterprises, addresses of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, draft legislative acts of Ukraine. The leading specialists of the Department have been invited a number of times for the development of draft laws, decrees of the President of Ukraine, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, state programmes and other regulatory documents, as well as concepts underlying the development of state acts.

Participation in the scientific research

The following are the lines of the research work pursued by the Department:

  • Socialisation of Relations in the Field of Labour in the Context of the Sustainable Development of Ukraine; research period: years 2007-2009. Academic supervisors: Professor A.M. Kolot (ScD in Economics), Professor V.M. Petiukh (PhD in Economics)
  • Innovative Mechanisms of the Labour Management under Conditions of the Formation of the Knowledge-based Economy; research period: years 2009 - 2011. Academic supervisors: Professor A.M. Kolot (ScD in Economics), Professor V.M. Petiukh (PhD in Economics)
  • Development of Relations in the Field of Labour and Social/Labour Infrastructure; research period: years 2006 - 2010.
  • The following are the lines of the research work pursued by the Department on the basis of orders:
  • Research into Labour Remuneration Problems: Comparative Analysis (Ukraine vs EU Member States); research period:  January to April 2008.
  • Labour in Ukraine: the Need for Qualitative Changes for the Societal Efficiency and Decent Life; research period:  January to March 2010.

A post-graduate school in Demography, Labour Economics, Social Economics and Politics has been working at the Department since 2001. 15 theses were prepared and defended over this period (including 7 theses defended by teachers of the department). 
Every year, the department organises contests of students' research papers, holds meetings of the Personnel Management and Labour Economics section within the scope of the students' scientific conference "Socio-economic Development of Ukraine in early 21st Century.

Last redaction: 14.01.25