Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology

Faculty members

  • Maryna Artiushyna
    Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
    Education 1989 - 1994 - studied at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, majoring in sociology, was awarded the qualification of a specialist "sociologist, teacher of sociology". 1996 -...
    Nataliia Kulalaieva
    Deputy Head for Research
    Education Doctor of Sciences in Education ("Theory and methods of vocational education"). Professor (“Department of Pedagogy and Psychology”). Master’s degree in Psychology,...
  • Oksana Sarkisova
    Deputy Head of Department
    Education 1989 - 1994 - studied at the Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after M.P. Dragomanov, majoring in "Russian language and literature and practical psychology", was...
    Olena Savchenko
    Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine
    EDUCATION 2013-2016 Post-doctoral program Lecya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine Diploma of Doctor of Science (Psychology), 2017 1994-2003...
  • Larysa Borysenko
    Аssociate professor
    Education. Sudied at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv,speciality "Psychology", teacher of psychological disciplines (in 1982). Candidate of pedagogical sciences. Theme of dissertation : the...
    Olena Bulavina
    Associate Professor
    Education 1993 - 1997 - Kyiv State Economic University, Faculty of Economics and Management, specialty "Administrative Management", qualification: "bachalor in management, teacher...
  • Viktoriia Chuzhykova
    Associate Professor
    Education Graduated from Poltava Pedagogical Institute named after V. Korolenko in 1982. Taught history and social studies in secondary schools in Cherkasy (1982-1992) and a course in...
    Svitlana Dubovyk
    Associate Professor
    Education Graduated from: 1) Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute named after O.M. Gorky, majoring in “Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology” in 1991; 2) Institute of Practical Psychology...
  • Lina Kolesnichenko
    Associate Professor
    Education: graduated with honors from Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University, Psychology, psychologist, teacher of psychological disciplines; 1983-1988.  - postgraduate study...
    Larysa Korvat
    Аssociate Рrofessor
      Education Graduated with honors from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, majoring in "Рsychologist, teacher of psychological disciplines". Since 2000, senior...
  • Olha Lovka
    Associate Professor
    Education  Faculty of Philosophy (Department of Psychology) of  Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko (1983-1988). From 1988 to 2000 – Psychologist of...
    Yuliia Matviienko
    Associate Professor
    Education 1997-2002 - studied at the Kyiv National Economic University, majoring in "Accounting and Audit", was awarded a Master's degree in Accounting and Control in the...
  • Liudmyla Muzychko
    Associate Professor
    Education She graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1988 and completed her postgraduate studies at the Department of Social Psychology and Psychodiagnostics...
    Valentyna Zaviriukha
    Аssociate Рrofessor
    Education Maxim Gorky Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute in 1987. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences in the specialty 19.00.07 - pedagogical and age...
  • Maryna Bohorad
    Senior Lecturer
    Education 1982 - 1986 - studied at the Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after D.S. Korotchenko, received a diploma of higher education in the specialty “Finance and...
    Olena Boichuk
    Senior Lecturer
    Education In 1988 graduated from Kyiv State University named after T. G. Shevchenko majoring in "Psychology" with the qualification "Psychologist. Teacher". Diploma - PV No. 767472....
  • Denys Lavrynenko
    Senior Lecturer
    Education Graduated from the Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine” in 2006 (Master's degree with honors). He has been a practicing psychologist (since 2006)...
    Anzhela Timakova
    Senior Lecturer
    Education 1987 -1991 - Slavic State Pedagogical Institute, majoring in pedagogy and methodology of primary education (diploma with honors) 1992-1993 - Slavic State...
  • Hanna Anokhina
    Senior Lecturer
    Education 1996 - 2001 - studies at the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov in the speciality "Social pedagogy. Economic Theory", was assigned the qualification...
    Olena Berezhenna
    Assistant Professor
    Education 2017–2021 – Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, majoring in Psychology. Awarded the qualification of Bachelor of Psychology. 2022–2023 –...
  • Tetiana Kovalkova
    Associate Professor
    Education 2023 – awarded the Teacher Degree of Associate Professor based on the decision of the Attestation Board. 2016 – defended a thesis on specialty 13.00.04 – Theory and...
  • Iryna Nahaitseva
    Senior Lecturer
    1992 -1997   Studied at Kyiv State Economic University.   Master's qualification "in Accounting and Auditing". 2008 – 2011 Studied at...
    Nataliia Panasenko
    Associate Professor
    Education 1997 – 2001 – Donetsk Institute of Social Education, specialty 7.040101...
  • Vitaliia Petrenko
    Assistant Professor
    Education 2017-2021 - studying at the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, majoring in Psychology, awarded a Bachelor's degree in Psychology.   2021-2022 -...
  • Myroslava Sadova
    Education:   1. Graduated with honors from the Kirovograd Social and Pedagogical Institute "Pedagogical Academy": specialty "Primary Education", qualification "Primary School...
    Ilona Sokol
    Assistant Professor
    Education 2019–2023 – Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, majoring in Vocational Education (Economics) . Awarded the qualification of Bachelor of...
  • Svitlana Stavytska
    Stavytska Svitlana Oleksiivna – Doctor of Psychological Sciences (2013), Professor (2014), Professor departments Pedagogy and Psychology (2021)  Faculty of...
  • Karyna Volosiuk
    Assistant Professor
    Education: 2018-2022 – Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, majoring in Psychology. Awarded the qualification of Bachelor of Psychology. 2022–2023 –...