Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology

Research Work

The Pedagogy and Psychology Department is involved into the active research work performed by teachers, doctor and post-graduate students, and degree contenders of the Department.

The scientific research work is performed along the following lines: the improvement of the effectiveness of the psychological and pedagogical training in non-pedagogic higher education establishments; the preparation of future specialists for the professional communication; the psychological and pedagogical assurance of the quality of the education in Economics; psychological and pedagogical principles of the customisation of the specialist training of students in economic universities; psychological and pedagogical principles of the application of training technologies in a university; group interaction as a condition of the efficient professional training of future economists; the development of self-control in students of economics specialities in the course of the psychological and pedagogical training; the development of the productive style of pedagogical communication; the development of the professional communication culture in future managers; the psychological specific features of the self-regulation in professional activities of managers; the development of the higher education in Ukraine and foreign experience; the development of the readiness of future economists for the professional self-development, etc.

The Department co-operates with many research institutions and education establishments.

The following monographs were published:

  • Козаков В. А.“Психолого-педагогічна підготовка фахівців у непедагогічних університетах: методологія та практика” (Psychological and Pedagogical Training of Specialists in Non-pedagogical Universities)
  • Савенкова Л. О. “Теоретико-методичні основи підготовки майбутніх педагогів до професійного спілкування” (Theoretical and Methodological Principles of the Preparation of Future Teachers for the Professional Communication)
  • Артюшина М. В. “Інноваційно-зорієнтована психолого-педагогічна підготовка студентів в економічному університеті” (Innovation-oriented Psychological and Pedagogical Training of Students in an Economics University)
  • Романова Г. М. “Підготовка викладачів вищих економічних навчальних закладів до проектування навчальних технологій” (Training of Teachers of Higher Education Establishments in Economics for the Design of Teaching Technologies)
  • Котикова О. М. “Проблеми психолого-педагогічної підготовки майбутніх юристів в контексті євроінтеграційних процесів” (Issues of the Psychological and Pedagogical Training of Future Lawyers in the Context of European Integration Processes)

As of today, 1 doctor thesis and 13 PhD theses were defended at the Department. In 2008, the theoretical seminar "Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the economic education of students" started working at the Department.