Educational and Methodological WorkThe Department organized working groups of disciplines "Labor Economics and Labor Relations", "Basic of Labor Protection", "Management of Conflict" and "Management of Personnel". The main aim of the section is to improve the competence of academic staff in the Department, providing a unified approach to the teaching of subjects, which should be based on competence approach and the introduction of innovative technologies in educational process. The academic staff prepare texts such as lectures, slides, technology workshops and present these materials at meetings of the sections. Then there is the discussion of the material, the shape of its supply for students, the needs of consideration in the classroom. The material is analyzed from the standpoint of the formation of students professional skills. Colleagues appreciate how knowledge and skills formed in class, whichwill be useful in professional work for graduates, first at the grassroots positions in the future and in management. In order to improve training and methodological basis of subjects, implementation of competence approach to the educational process and eliminate duplication of materials at students studying various disciplines of professional direction "Personnel Management and Labour Economics" at the Department meeting going on to present and discuss programs of academic disciplines. The presentation contains materials: • the objectives of the course; • subject and object; • structure (thematic plan); • competencies; • organization of current control; • support the learning process; • development prospects of discipline. In the Department operates Training Center of HR, whose main purpose is to increase the competitiveness of the Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics based on strengthening their practical training. Tasks of Center: • organizational and methodological support holding trainings based virtual structures; • use in the educational process of innovative learning technologies; • organization of student practice based virtual structures; • involvement in the educational process expert practitioners in the field of personnel management and labor economics and so on. The Department launched the annual international scientific Internet conferences. 2 - 6 November 2015 was organized by the Internet conference on "Transformation of social and labor sphere: Challenges, trends of innovative development." The Department carries out state budgetary scientific research for the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Social and economic mechanisms to ensure for decent work in the conditions of European integration processes and innovative investment model of economic development of Ukraine". Last redaction: 14.01.25 |