Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology

Anatoliy Grinenko

department:Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management
teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:Ph.D. in Economics

Dr. Grinenko was born 02.01.1949 in Tinytsa, Bahmach district of Chernigiv region. Graduated from Kiev Institute of National Economy with honors in 1978. He was Karl Marx scholarship holder during his student years. Since 1978 has been working at the same university on various positions and studying at the external postgraduate program. In 1985 defended his Ph. D. thesis and had been working as an associate professor since then. After studying at the doctoral degree program at  Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman from 2006 till 2009 became a professor of the Personnel Management and Labour Economics Department. Trained 3 postgraduate students. Has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas and commendations for conscientious work by faculty and university management. In 1999 Dr. Grinenko received a commendation from the President of Ukraine for active participation in propaganda activity of “Znannya” fellowship.