Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology

Scientific activity of applicants

Scientific work of students
The scientific work of students in the educational programs of the department consists in the preparation and publication of articles, abstracts, and speeches at conferences. Every year, students participate in various intellectual competitions and contests.
Students are also involved in the research work of the department.
In 2024, the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works of applicants for higher education “PRIORITIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN CAPITAL AND SOCIAL SOCIETY INSTITUTIONS” was held
The Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman invites you to take part in the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works of higher education applicants “Priorities for the development of human capital and social institutions” (specialties: “Economics, Management, Social Security, Public Administration and Management).
The competition is held in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” of 01.07.2014 No. 1556-VII within the framework of the autonomy of the higher education institution, as well as with the support of the State Scientific Institution “Institute for the Modernization of Education Content” (Letter No. 21/08-367 of 04.03.2024).
The purpose of the competition “Priorities for the Development of Human Capital and Social Sphere Institutions” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is to promote socially responsible behavior, identify gifted youth, and intensify the research work of students as future managers in the social sphere on the development and preservation of human capital, and improve the quality of this area.
The topics of the Competition include three areas of research:
  1. Human Resources Management;
  2. Management of the social sphere;
  3. Socioeconomics and Social Security.


Last redaction: 14.02.25