Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology

Piddubnyi Serhii Anatoliiovych

department:Department of Political Technologies
teacher degree: none
Degree:candidate in political science
Historian, political scientist, public activist, trainer. Born in 1989.
He received his higher education in the field of "History" and "International Relations" at the Mariupol State University in 2012. From 2014 to 2017, he studied at the graduate school, majoring in 23.00.02 political institutions and processes. In June 2019, the candidate of political sciences defended his thesis for the degree on the topic "State policy in the field of family protection in the context of the socio-political crisis of Ukraine (on the example of Donetsk region)". Has more than 35 scientific works (collective monographs, expert studies, analytical reports, articles, theses).
In 2010-2016, he worked as a history teacher in secondary education institutions in Mariupol. The winner of the city competition "Modern School - New Teacher" in 2014. 2017 - 2019 Deputy Director of Educational Work of the "Brusino" Health and Recreation Institution, Donetsk Region. In 2018 - 2019, an assistant at the Department of Social Communications of Mariupol State University.
Since 2018, a member of non-governmental organizations in the field of public health, advocacy for expanding the access of citizens of Ukraine to receive services in the field of education and health care (BO "100 percent of life. Kyiv region" MBF "Public Health Alliance", GO " Source".